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Karen Pleshe Coaching


My name is Karen Pleshe, and I am a licensed therapist turned Clini-Coach®. I have practiced therapy with clients for over 25 years specializing in trauma, behavioral change, and couples work. 

It all started in our second year of marriage when unexpected car expenses and student loans were catching up. It was an easy solution at the time, with the best intentions to pay off the debt. Like most people, that didn't happen. Over time, it seemed normal to carry credit, and there were all kinds of rationalizations for using credit. After all, we deserved that vacation we couldn't afford without the card.

I struggled for years with the feeling that I would never live without a credit card or get rid of debt and save for my future. In the past eight years, my husband and I have made significant improvements in our overall financial life and relationally.

In hindsight, we both came from families who didn't discuss finances or teach us the necessary skills to be a success. They also carried fear, anxiety, and limiting beliefs around money. We learned to borrow for financial help and work hard just to live a mediocre life. I owe the changes in our lives to becoming aware of the money scripts we carry and the work we have done to be conscious of our choices.

My passion is to help you discover that you can make changes that create freedom and security. I help people in the most effective, sustainable way to create a satisfying life with money, whether you are in a relationship or alone. I am combining my knowledge of the brain, the psychology of money, and couples' expertise to help people live a rich life relationally and with money.

I look forward to helping you discover how you can have a secure relationship with your partner and with money.


I am an experienced therapist with 25 years of working with individuals and couples. Therapists are trained to help people meet their goals with several techniques that easily cross over into coaching. The skills that I have that especially support coaching are social worker’s training to support a person's self-determination, the Imago relationship skills, brainspotting, training in motivational interviewing, and cognitive behavioral training.  


  • Therapist for 25 - years

  • Certified Advanced Imago therapist for 8 - years 

  • Certified Brainspotting therapist 8 - years

  • Masters in Social Work 

  • Certified Clini-Coach®


Cherie Lindberg, LPC, NCC

I have known Karen Pleshe for over 12 years. She is a very conscientious client-centered professional who has spent years training and learning to create a safe environment to counsel and now coach couples and individuals on removing blocks to connection and reaching their highest potential.


I have witnessed and experienced firsthand Karen’s compassion and support. She is well organized and flexible in working with her clients. I feel very confident and highly recommend Karen and often refer to her.  When I send Karen a referral, I know they will be well taken care of.


Let’s Work Together

Get in touch so we can start working together.

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